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谷歌首席执行官桑达尔·皮查伊 (Sundar Pichai) 在纽约时报 DealBook 峰会上接受了安德鲁·罗斯·索金 (Andrew Ross Sorkin) 的采访,他讨论了 2025 年谷歌搜索的预期,但也难以阐明谷歌对内容创作者的关注。

当被要求比较谷歌今天相对于行业其他公司的位置以及谷歌是否应该成为“默认赢家”时,Pichai 提醒采访者,这些是“深刻转变的最早阶段”,并强调谷歌是人工智能的领导者,而不是追随者。整个 AI 行业建立在 Google 的研究发现之上,这些发现后来被开源,尤其是变形金刚,没有它,AI 行业就不会像今天这样存在。

Pichai 回答说:

“Look, it’s a such a dynamic moment in the industry. When I look at what’s coming ahead, we are in the earliest stages of a profound shift. We have taken such a deep full stack approach to AI.

…we do world class research. We are the most cited, when you look at gen AI, the most cited… institution in the world, foundational research, we build AI infrastructure and when I’m saying AI infrastructure all the way from silicon, we are in our sixth generation of tensor processing units. You mentioned our product reach, we have 15 products at half a billion users, we are building foundational models, and we use it internally, we provide it to over three million developers and it’s a deep full stack investment.

We are getting ready for our next generation of models, I just think there’s so much innovation ahead, we are committed to being at the state of the art in this field and I think we are. Just coming today, we announced groundbreaking research on a text and image prompt creating a 3D scene. And so the frontier is moving pretty fast, so looking forward to 2025.”

Blue Link 经济和 AI

采访者指出,谷歌是 AI 的先行者,但事实并非如此(指的是 OpenAI 在 2022 年的突破和随后的失控成功)。他问 Pichai,其中有多少是谷歌保护了“蓝色链接经济”,以免“伤害或蚕食那家价值数千亿美元的企业”。

Pichai 回答说,在 Google 的所有项目中,AI 在搜索中的应用最多,并指出 BERT、MUM 和多模态搜索有助于缩小搜索质量方面的差距。搜索行业的一些人不理解的是,自 2012 年谷歌使用深度神经网络来识别图像和语音识别,以及 2014 年向世界引入序列到序列学习 (PDF) 来理解文本字符串以来,人工智能一直是谷歌的一部分。2015 年,谷歌推出了 RankBrain,这是一个与搜索结果排名直接相关的人工智能系统。

Pichai 回答说:

“The area where we applied AI the most aggressively, if anything in the company was in search, the gaps in search quality was all based on Transformers internally. We call it BERT and MUM and you know, we made search multimodal, the search quality improvements, we were improving the language understanding of search. That’s why we built Transformers in the company.

So and if you look at the last couple of years, we have with AI overviews, Gemini is being used by over a billion users in search alone.”

搜索将在 2025 年发生深刻变化

Pichai继续回答,他直接表示,Google 搜索不仅会在 2025 年发生深刻变化,还会在 2025 年初发生深刻变化。他还表示,进步将变得更加困难,因为更容易创新的事情已经完成(唾手可得的果实)。


“And I just feel like we are getting started. Search itself will continue to change profoundly in 2025. I think we are going to be able to tackle more complex questions than ever before. You know, I think we’ll be surprised even early in 2025. the kind of newer things search can do compared to where it is today… “

Pichai 还表示,进步并不容易:

“I think the progress is going to get harder when I look at 2025. the low hanging fruit is gone.

But I think where the breakthroughs need to come from where the differentiation needs to come from is is your ability to achieve technical breakthroughs, algorithmic breakthroughs, how do you make the systems work, you know, from a planning standpoint or from a reasoning standpoint, how do you make these systems better? Those are the technical breakthroughs ahead.”


采访者问 Pichai 谷歌是否足够依赖人工智能,并引用了一位作者的话,他认为谷歌的 “核心业务受到围攻”,因为人们越来越多地从人工智能和搜索以外的其他平台获得答案,而搜索的价值将 “恶化”,因为如此多的在线内容将是人工智能生成的。


Pichai 回答说:

“In a world in which you’re flooded with like lot of content …if anything, something like search becomes more valuable. In a world in which you’re inundated with content, you’re trying to find trustworthy content, content that makes sense to you in a way reliably you can use it, I think it becomes more valuable.

To your previous part about there’s a lot of information out there, people are getting it in many different ways. Look, information is the essence of humanity. We’ve been on a curve on information… when Facebook came around, people had an entirely new way of getting information, YouTube, Facebook, Tik… I can keep going on and on.

…I think the problem with a lot of those constructs is they are zero sum in their inherent outlook. They just feel like people are consuming information in a certain limited way and people are all dividing that up. But that’s not the reality of what people are doing. “

Pichai 在关于对创作者的影响的问题上跌跌撞撞

接下来,采访者问内容是否被贬值了。他举了一个例子,一个人为一本书研究一个主题,阅读了 20 本书,在参考书目中引用了这些来源,然后出版了它。而 Google 会吸收所有内容,然后整天“吐出”内容,击败了早期会写书的人。

Andrew Ross Sorkin 说:

“You get to spit it out a million times. A million times a day. And I just wonder what the economics of that should be for the folks that create it in the beginning.”

Sundar Pichai 为 Google 辩护说,Google 花费了大量时间思考对出版商 “生态系统” 的影响,以及它向他们发送了多少流量。采访者听了 Sundar 的回答,但没有提到房间里的大象,搜索结果中塞满了 Reddit 和广告,排挤了真正专家创建的内容,以及新闻内容的优先级降低,这对世界各地的新闻机构的流量产生了负面影响。

就在这时,Pichai 似乎在试图找到回应的词语时跌跌撞撞。他避免提及网站,抽象地谈论“生态系统”,然后当他无话可说时,他改变了方向,开始谈论 Google 如何补偿注册 YouTube Content ID 计划的版权所有者。


“Look I… uh… It’s a… very important question… uhm… look I… I… think… I think more than any other company… look you know… we for a long time through… you know… be it in search making sure… while it’s often debated, we spend a lot of time thinking about the traffic we send to the ecosystem.

Even through the moment through the transition over the past couple of years. It’s an important priority for us.”

此时,他开始谈论 Google 的内容平台 YouTube,以及他们如何使用用于识别受版权保护内容的“Content ID”。Content ID 是一项使企业音乐、电影和电视行业受益的计划,这些行业是“对经常上传到 YouTube 的大量原始材料拥有专有权”的版权所有者。

Pichai 继续说道:

“In YouTube we put a lot of effort into understanding and you know identifying content and with content ID and uh creating monetization for creators.

I think… I think those are important principles, right. I think um… there’s always going to be a balance between understanding what is fair use uh… when new technology comes versus how do you… give value back proportionate to the value of the IP, the hard work people have put in.

